The Governor used his line item veto power to cut $48 million from the Sweeney/Norcross budget. That's a tiny amount when compared to the overall budget.
The governor followed in Chris Christie's footsteps by rejecting legislation that would have provided as much as a year and a half of emergency assistance to various groups of low-income residents.
Taxes are being raised, but that's exactly what Murphy got elected to do. Steve Sweeney on the other hand, spoke out against the millionaires tax, then caved.
With Oregon now allowing limited self-service, New Jersey remains the only state in which pumping your own gas is a crime. And if Steve Sweeney has his way, that won't change -- even if it could help alleviate the transportation funding crisis.
He's a union boss and a politician who has greatly benefited from the millions of dollars of public union political spending. He's the leader of the New Jersey State Senate. He's accusing the same unions who made his rise to power in Trenton possible of extortion. Wait, what?