WASHINGTON (AP) -- Not another test! The lament of many schoolchildren was echoed across a congressional hearing room as senators began working on a long overdue update to the No Child Left Behind education law.
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Education Secretary Arne Duncan said Monday that testing U.S. schoolchildren annually in math and reading is critical for measuring their educational progress, setting the stage for what is likely to be a contentious Capitol Hill debate on the federal role in education.
A Philadelphia principal and four teachers helped young children cheat on standardized tests by changing their answers and reviewing questions beforehand, prosecutors charged as they announced a widespread, ongoing grand jury investigation.
There is discussion among legislators and the education commission as to whether or not NJ students take too many tests. Do the number of tests they take help or hurt them in their long-term learning?
State education officials will no longer use a standardized test question that asked third-graders to reveal a secret and write about why it was difficult to keep.
Some Garden State parents are furious after learning their 3rd graders were asked during the New Jersey Assessment of Skills and Knowledge exam, NJ ASK, to disclose a secret about their lives - and why it's hard to keep.