The township adds itself to a growing list, including Carlstadt, Garfield, and Hasbrouck Heights, of Bergen County municipalities whose opposition to legal pot is now on the books.
City of Angels co-founder Kevin Meara says "there are a lot of people who believe that marijuana helps them...but at the same time, marijuana is addictive."
Sen. Nicholas Scutari, who wants New Jersey to legalize, regulate and tax marijuana for recreational use, says Colorado's experience bodes well for a similar effort here.
It's 4/20, otherwise known as "Stoner Day" or "Marijuana Appreciation Day." In celebration of the day, I shot this video to ponder how much better life would be if marijuana were legalized.
Maybe hostile situations wouldn't be so bad? Maybe people would laugh more and fight less...
For some folks, the revenue aspects of legalizing the recreational use of marijuana just aren’t good enough to justify its legalization.
Just ask Assemblywoman Mary Pat Angelini of Monmouth County.
In response to the announcement made the other day in Newark of a group called New Jersey United for Marijuana Reform - she’s looking to start a group that shares her viewpoint that health and incarcera
A young man at a bus stop in Maastricht, Netherlands hisses at a passer-by: "What you looking for ... marijuana?" It's a scene of street peddling that the Netherlands hoped to stamp out in the 1970s when it launched a policy of tolerating "coffee shops" where people could buy and smoke pot freely.