The change to a mutual holding company could culminate decades of conversation about how to position New Jersey's largest health insurer for the future.
Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield says it needs to change its corporate structure to spend on the types of programs it needs to survive in the 21st century.
New Jersey is one of two states with legislative elections next year. Anticipating a delay in census results, Democrats seek to keep the old map in effect.
Single-use bags and polystyrene food packaging will be phased out in the spring of 2022, and plastic straws will be only on-demand in a year, if it's signed.
The state plans to borrow $4.5 billion to balance its budget and boost its surplus to $2.5 billion. Spending is higher than Gov. Phil Murphy had pitched.
Billions of stock trades are run through computer servers in New Jersey. A tiny tax on those could yield big money, unless it prompts them to be relocated.
Democrats vote to put a constitutional amendment on November's ballot that would keep current map for 2021 election due to COVID-induced census delays.