The IRS has cautioned that federal tax refunds might take longer than usual this year, but the state Treasury Department says things here are on schedule.
The idea: Since federal tax reform didn’t cap deductions for businesses like it did for people, have partnerships and LLCs pay state income taxes directly.
Gov. Chris Christie says federal tax changes are being worked out but that he supported ending state and local tax deduction while running for president.
Gov. Chris Christie defends ending reciprocal income-tax deal with Pennsylvania, says it's a special tax break for southwest New Jersey that lets wealthy game system.
A quarter-million commuters from New Jersey and Pennsylvania could see a major change in how they pay their income taxes — including big hikes for some.
Millions of taxpayers were facing a midnight deadline to file their tax returns, while millions of others were asking for a six-month extension. The filing deadline on Monday was delayed three days beyond the traditional April 15 deadline because Friday was a legal holiday in the District of Columbia.
The good news: Filing for a tax extension in New Jersey only takes a few clicks. The bad news: You've still got to pay at least 80 percent of your state tax obligation by tax day — Monday, April 18 in 2016.