Good friend of the show, NJSPBA President Pat Colligan joined us this morning and we got on the topic that is near and dear to his heart, the NJSPBA hockey team.
In case you missed it. Monroe hockey player Mikey Nichols joined me in studio to talk about the injury he suffered while playing in a high school ice hockey game.
There has been some great hockey already this season and the season is barely near the halfway mark of the year. That being said, we may have already witnessed the play of the year and it happened right here in NJ!
Normally, when a singer messes up the National Anthem, they are cascaded with a round of boos. Here's one time when the singer should actually be applauded.
If you go to sporting events, you know all about the "Kiss Cam." They put the camera on a couple and try to get them to kiss. Some couple appease the crowd and kiss, others go over the top and make out and others, well just try and ignore it. One man at a Minnesota Gophers hockey game had the greatest response ready for the "Kiss Cam."