Battling leukemia, young Anya LeFrancis received a bone marrow transplant in June to which she has responded "wonderfully," but the search for more donors goes on.
You may have seen #BlanketProject trending on social media, and Judi wanted to plug this charity where you can donate new blankets to a homeless shelter called Jersey Shore Rescue Mission.
Every winter since 2014, seasonal outerwear has shown up from time to time atop the heads and around the necks of the historical statues on the Morristown Green.
Peter and Max Ferraro are hoping to raise $100,000 to provide four years of full tuition and expenses to a son from a military family to Christian Brother's Academy
Brittany Reese thought she had a balance on her layover account, only to find out that she was one of three people helped by a secret Santa at a store she'd gone to for years.
After reaching 250 local families last year, the Domestic Abuse & Sexual Assault Crisis Center of Warren County's Holiday Shoppe hopes to accommodate 50 additional families for the 2017 holiday season.