free speech

Flag flap at University of California campus prompts free speech debate
Flag flap at University of California campus prompts free speech debate
Flag flap at University of California campus prompts free speech debate
IRVINE, Calif. (AP) -- When student government representatives at the University of California, Irvine voted to ban all flags - including the American one - from their tiny office, they thought they had found a solution to a battle over freedom of speech that began when someone first tacked a U.S. flag to the wall in January. The flag had been at the center of an increasingly bitter game of cat-an
Captain Underpants ranked #1 banned book
Captain Underpants ranked #1 banned book
Captain Underpants ranked #1 banned book
You know free speech is under attack when "Captain Underpants" is the most banned booked in America. The comic book style children's series outranked the racy "Fifty Shades of Grey" among books banned in America in 2013, after years of complaints filed to the Office for Intellectual Freedom.