What are you angry about NJ?What are you angry about NJ?In last week’s Facebook LIVE, I opened up the conversation for you to vent about what’s wrong in the Garden State.Bill SpadeaBill Spadea
How do we fix New Jersey? (Facebook Live)How do we fix New Jersey? (Facebook Live)NJ residents are tough and resilient and if we can convince more people to stay and fight, we might be able to turn this thing around.Bill SpadeaBill Spadea
What would you do differently than Gov. Murphy? What would you do differently than Gov. Murphy? It was a lively conversation on our weekly Facebook LIVE as we talked through the colossal mistakes made by the current political elites in Trenton.Bill SpadeaBill Spadea
'Ask Me Anything': NJ shutdown & continuing financial crisis'Ask Me Anything': NJ shutdown & continuing financial crisisWe had a lively conversation on Facebook Live this week, covering everything from the hypocrisy from Gov Murphy to the very real crisis of our state finances.Bill SpadeaBill Spadea
Ask Bill Spadea Anything!Ask Bill Spadea Anything!Join me every Tuesday at 10am at on Facebook LIVE - Facebook.com/NJ1015Bill SpadeaBill Spadea
Facebook Live: Ask Bill Spadea ANYTHINGFacebook Live: Ask Bill Spadea ANYTHINGWe of course talked a little about the President's visit and it was great to hear so many people making the trip to Wildwood to see him.Bill SpadeaBill Spadea
Ask Me Anything — Who should be NJ's next Governor?Ask Me Anything — Who should be NJ's next Governor?One of the big questions from Facebook Live is whether or not I'm considering running for Governor.Bill SpadeaBill Spadea
Reverse the tax audit — Step 6 to fixing New JerseyReverse the tax audit — Step 6 to fixing New JerseyI think it's time we reverse the audit and have a complete analysis of NJ taxes. Bill SpadeaBill Spadea
Back to school in New Jersey — Facebook LIVE with Bill SpadeaBack to school in New Jersey — Facebook LIVE with Bill SpadeaIt’s back to school, back to work, are you ready for the end of summer?Bill SpadeaBill Spadea
'Ask Me Anything' on Facebook LIVE'Ask Me Anything' on Facebook LIVEI’m here to offer solutions and help all of us make that decision to dig in!Bill SpadeaBill Spadea