To reduce state spending more than $19 million, Gov. Phil Murphy would cut charity care and graduate medical education. That would reduce a federal match.
Between extended closures and long-term fears and costs, it's possible that hundreds of medical and dental offices will close, industry representatives say.
Trump's bungled response -- an awkward, extended attempt to evade the question, followed by an answer that, yes, "there has to be some form of punishment" -- prompted a backlash that managed to unite abortion rights activists and opponents.
Donald Trump is fighting to convince a skeptical Republican Party he can improve his standing among women, even as he takes back an explosive comment about abortion and attacks the credibility of a female reporter police say was illegally grabbed by the GOP front-runner's campaign manager.
A vote for the clinics in Louisiana could mean that Justice Anthony Kennedy, whose vote is crucial to both sides, also will be a decisive fifth vote in favor of abortion clinics in Texas.
You usually spend a few bucks out-of-pocket, depending on your insurance, when visiting the doctor — but a recently-published report finds that visit is actually costing you much more.