New Jersey hired a contractor and contacted the Department of Homeland Security to scan and monitor election systems to ensure they’re protected from hackers.
FBI Director James Comey said government and the tech industry need to sort out their differences over encryption before "something terrible happens" that would make productive conversations impossible.
The Chinese government is believed to have hacked into computers at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. in 2010, 2011 and 2013, including the workstation of then-FDIC Chair Sheila Bair, a congressional report says.
The web portal used by millions of consumers to get health insurance coverage under President Barack Obama's law logged 316 security incidents in just under 18 months, said a report Wednesday by nonpartisan congressional investigators.
The Homeland Security Department on Thursday formally began sharing details of new digital threats with private business and other government agencies, a culmination of a longtime effort to improve cybersecurity.