If you own an iPhone that has recently been updated to iOS 17, law enforcement agencies warn of “NameDrop” which unintentionally shares contact information.
U.S. aviation safety officials took the extraordinary step late Thursday of warning airline passengers not to turn on or charge a new-model Samsung smartphone during flights following numerous reports of the devices catching fire.
A new federal study of the potential dangers of cellphone radiation, conducted in rats, found a slight increase in brain tumors in males and raised long-dormant concerns about the safety of spending so much time with cellphones glued to our ears.
Steve Trevelise and Michele Pilenza, filling in for Dennis & Judi, were discussing their opinions regarding cell phone use while operating motor vehicles. This was in response to Somerset County's recent crackdown on cell phones, where officers issued 1,745 tickets from April 1 to 21.
Cell phones are lifelines for most people - and losing them can be a big deal. But if someone does find your phone, are you willing to give them cash in return?
Phones have become useful for more than just making phone calls. We rely on our smart phones for a lot of things - banking, directions, weather, social media. But, there are still other cool things smart phones can do that many people don't know about.