Leave if you want — when my time comes, I’ll retire in New Jersey (Opinion)
We hear it all the time about how people who grew up and lived here all their lives can't wait to retire somewhere other than New Jersey. Apparently, we are the 4th worst state to retire in. Now if you can't afford to retire here, then you have no choice but to leave, but if you can, why would you want to go anywhere else?
The first answer will have to do with money. How much more you can get for less. From all the people I've spoken to and have seen when you get older, it's more about familiarity.
Personally I'd rather know that I've got my friends and family around me whenever I want to hang with them, even when I don't. I couldn't bear knowing that my friends and family are so far away and it was my choice. I wouldn't want to miss milestones in their lives so that I can save a few bucks.
I would want to know that anything I want to eat is right within my reach, the best pizza, bagels, Italian food, deli, whatever. You name it, it tastes better in New Jersey.
I would want to be secure in the knowledge that everything I grew up with is still right around me and I can go there anytime I want, especially if I want to go down the shore.
You never know who you're gonna connect with when you get older, perhaps someone from your past? You have a much better shot of that here in New Jersey.
Jersey people understand Jersey people. We curse more than any other state. We curse therefore we are. we understand each other!
The older you get, the more you lose. You lose your job hopefully to retirement, you lose friends and relatives who pass away, some lose their health and perhaps even memory. When that happens, I want to be in the most familiar place I know. I want to be home. For me, that home is in New Jersey.
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