How to make your own face mask
As people across New Jersey go crazy looking for face masks, I've found a way to help you with that.
Here's a handy-dandy way to make a face mask that will only take you about a minute to make and all you need is a paper towel 2 rubber bands which you probably have in your kitchen drawer if you look hard enough and a stapler.
Now, keep in mind, this isn't the sort of N95 masks experts say is necessary to protect you from the novel coronavirus — and that health systems are scrambling to get. But it's not going to hurt.
First, rip off a sheet from the paper towels.
Next, fold it about an inch, then fold another inch the other way.
Repeat this process until you have folded the entire sheet.
After you have repeated this process, take each end of the sheet, fold around the rubber band, then staple it.
Once you've done this, put the rubber band around each ear. Then fold out the mask to cover your nose and mouth making sure the seal is tight around your face.
Hey, even if it won't protect you against the virus, it'll be great for parties and kinky games.

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