Gov. Murphy enacted a SENSIBLE law that you probably missed (Opinion)
It’s no surprise that Governor Murphy never saw a “green” law that he didn’t love. Most of these are feel-good, nonsense laws passed to appease his tree-hugging constituents and usually waste money and resources with little actual upside to the environment
This time, however, his love of all things environmentally friendly works in our favor ... and won’t cost us a dime. While other safety-obsessed states like New Jersey have outlawed the use of under-20 mph motorized scooters and e-bikes on roadways, virtually deeming them street illegal, Murphy actually signed a bill to make them legal in May.
As an e-bike enthusiast, I often wondered how long it would be until someone in our silly nanny state decided to outlaw them. Now, of course, they will be regulated because, New Jersey.
But, unlike in other states (and New York City) at least you can ride them in the street!
E-bikes and scooters that go 20 mph or slower will now be regulated like ordinary bicycles. You can operate them on streets, highways, and bicycle paths in New Jersey. Thankfully, you won’t have to register the scooter or e-bike, furnish proof of insurance, or have a driver’s license.
Now obviously, this law wasn’t enacted for the convenience of the average New Jerseyan. (Let’s not get crazy — this IS Jersey, after all!). It’s simply to pander to the enviro-whackos that make up the governor’s base.
Regardless of his motivation, for a guy who usually likes regulate us out the proverbial wazoo, this is a welcome change. Here’s a sentence i never thought I’d write: Thanks, Gov!
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