Free concert! West Point Glee Club coming to Freehold, NJ on Saturday
If you're looking for a night of inspiration or just want to feel great about yourself and your country then this is perfect for you as well as your family.
The Glee Club from The United States Military Academy at West Point will be making a rare New Jersey appearance on Saturday, March 18, at 7:30 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church of Freehold located at 118 W. Main St. in Freehold Borough. Doors open at 6:45 p.m.
Now, this is a free concert so early arrival is recommended. There are about 500 seats.
Sen. Vin Gopal, D-Monmouth, will be present with a joint Senate and Assembly proclamation that will proclaim Saturday, March 18, 2023, as "West Point Glee Club Day in the State of New Jersey." Freehold Borough is doing the same for the town during the concert's Intermission ceremonies.
“We are honored to have been selected once again to have the West Point Glee Club return to our church for their Spring concert,” said Robert M. DiSogra, chairperson of the Concert Committee at the 150-year-old church. This will be the Glee Club’s third appearance at the church.
“We love coming to this church not only because of the wonderful outpouring of support we’ve had during our last two visits but also because the acoustics are phenomenal!” said Glee Club Music Director Constance Chase.
The Cadet Glee Club dates back to 1903 and is one of the most celebrated college choirs.
The Glee Club performed with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and are regular performers at the annual Army-Navy football game. You have to hear the incredible blend of their voices to believe it.
What's next for these talented singers? After graduation, they are commissioned as 2nd lieutenants and become officers in the Army.
Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Steve Trevelise only. Follow him on Twitter @realstevetrev.
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