E. Oliver Whitney is a senior editor at ScreenCrush. When not talking Game of Thrones theories or waiting for the next Terrence Malick film, Oliver is probably having an SVU marathon. Oliver was formerly an entertainment editor at Huff Post and has written for Variety, New York magazine, Indiewire, Moviefone, and Backstage.
E. Oliver Whitney
Watch the Insane Oscars Mishap Where ‘Moonlight’ Won Best Picture After ‘La La Land’ Was Named
The Oscars have long had surprising moments, but Sunday night just gave us the most insane moment in Academy Awards history. Moonlight won Best Picture, but only after presenters Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway mistakenly named La La Land the winner.
Kate Winslet Wins Best Supporting Actress For ‘Steve Jobs’ at 2016 Golden Globes
Kate Winslet won Best Supporting Actress for Steve Jobs at the 2016 Golden Globe awards.