No matter where you work, there's bound to be at least one or more chronic complainers.


It seems that"Milton," the character from "Office Space," is not alone, according to Carl Van Horn of the Rutgers Workforce Development Center. He says some people always see the glass as "half-empty", and that is just part of human nature.

Van Horn says chronic workplace whiners need to remember that there are many in the ranks of the jobless who would gladly take their job.

He says, "I would caution people to examine themselves and think about that and really take a moment to really take stock of the fact that there are millions of people who are unemployed who would love to have the job that you are complaining about."

Van Horn points out that there's no protection for people who whine and disrupt the workplace.

He says the onus on dealing with a repeated complainer lies squarely with the boss. Workers walk a fine line between sympathizing with a whining co-worker and alienating them if they complain. Sometimes the co-workers don't have a lot of ability to do anything about it.

They just have to suffer through it and hope that the manager, whoever that may be, eventually addresses the problem.


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