On June 10, 2000 I married my beautiful wife Deneen on the beach outside Caesar's casino in Atlantic City. We had about 200 people formally dressed on a 94 degree day sinking in their chairs placed in the sand. About 200 people attended the reception later at Caesars and it was incredible! On Sunday, we took our children back there and shared what a great day it was.

Now 17 years later, more and more people are opting for the outside the church wedding. According to data from "The Knot" only 26 percent of the 13,000 surveyed had their reception in a church. As for the number invited, Bloomberg says fewer Americans are getting married with the average age being 28 for the bride and 30 for the groom. Those that are are inviting fewer people. With that said, the average cost for a wedding in 2016 $26,720. I's just like to say to all those who didn't invite me to their wedding this past year and in future years... Thank you!!!


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