Back To The Future Day

Technology that has gone extinct in your lifetime
Technology that has gone extinct in your lifetime
Technology that has gone extinct in your lifetime
Since today is Back To The Future Day, Deminski and Doyle are taking calls about the various types of technology that have become extinct in your lifetime. Some of the callers chimed in with some good ones. Mary in Turnersville - Roll up windows Tom in Parsippany - The Walkman Valerie in Toms River - Typewriters John in Media, PA - Beepers Andrea in Hillsborough - Floppy disks Not only is it fun
The one thing I wish Back To The Future did get right
The one thing I wish Back To The Future did get right
The one thing I wish Back To The Future did get right
If you know how to use the Internet, then you are probably aware that today is Back To The Future Day. This is the exact day and year Marty McFly traveled to in Back to the Future 2. A lot has been made about what the movie got right. Thumbprints as keys, video chatting and virtual reality to name a few...