New Jersey officials are planning to learn any lessons possible from the investigation into the deadly Boston Marathon bombing, in advance of hosting the largest sporting in event in the world.

2014 Super Bowl at Met Life Stadium
Slaven Vlasic/Getty Images

Next year, the Super Bowl comes to Met Life Stadium. The NFL is already planning to incorporate everything it learns from the Boston probe to bolster its security plans for the Super Bowl. The head of the New Jersey Assembly Homeland Security Committee is eager to learn as well.

"I can tell everybody that New Jersey will be prepared for anything once the Super Bowl starts," says Assemblywoman Annette Quijano. "Whatever is learned through the investigation in Boston will be brought home so that we're prepared."

The New Jersey State Police has activated the emergency operations center says Quijano and they are going to be sending explosives experts, crime scene investigators and canine units to Boston to help in the investigation. Don't expect the Assemblywoman to publicly ask law enforcement agencies what they're doing to keep everyone safe in the event-filled week leading up to the Super Bowl and the game itself.

"A lot of the security planning will be confidential and so I'm not really comfortable bringing anyone to my committee to question them," explains Quijano. "I will be involved in conversations at different levels with different individuals and different law enforcement agencies, but to give a blueprint out, that's not going to happen."

People might not fully understand how important they are to the homeland security equation, says Quijano. She points out that law enforcement needs people.

"They need us," says Quijano. "We're their eyes and ears and that dovetails nicely into the national program, 'If You See Something Say Something.' If you see that bags are left unattended anywhere, at the airport, at a park, at a football game then you have to make sure that you tell someone that's in law enforcement. If you see people monitoring areas, buildings or entrances, or an abandoned vehicle, that is something that you have report."

No one should be shy about being wrong, explains the Assemblywoman. The number to call if you see anything suspicious is 866-4SAFE-NJ (472-3365).


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