September is "National Preparedness Month" — and state officials say it's a good time to give preparedness a closer look.

"One of the biggest enemies to emergency management is when people become complacent," Laura Connolly, spokeswoman for the  State Police Office of Emergency Management, said.

The five-year anniversary of superstorm Sandy is in October — "and although it was five years ago, a lot of people still have that feeling that it is not something that is going to happen again, and it is not something that is going to happen to them," she said. It's " something that they see on TV or hear about on the news, but it is just something that is not going to happen again."

And such a disaster, has of course been in the news — with Texas struggling through overwhelming flooding brought on by Hurricane Harvey.

Connolly said the first thing to do is get together with your family, and just start the conversation about preparedness. There are expert materials on

"Put together an emergency kit, with food water, batteries — .even clothing for you and your family," she said. Also important, according to Connolly: "Tou need to make a communication plan to figure out how you are all going to communicate and reunite with each other."

Also, having a contact out of state helps.

"We have had experiences in past disasters where communication in the state is down, but you are able to make contact outside the state," Connolly said.

Joe Cutter is the afternoon news anchor on New Jersey 101.5.

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