Can you believe it?  October ends on Thursday and that means it's, you guessed it, Halloween!

Getty Images News / Chinafotopress
Getty Images News / Chinafotopress

Halloween is just plain fun.  To insure we keep it a happy Halloween here are a few safety tips for trick or treaters.

Kids should make their rounds in a group and should be accompanied by a responsible adult.

Set a time for their return home.

Plan a safe route for your children.  It's best they stick to your own neighborhood.

Just in case, make sure they carry a cell phone.

Ask your kids not to eat any treats until they bring them home and are examined by you.

It wouldn't hurt for trick or treaters to carry a flashlight or glow stick.  Reflective tape on costumes would make them more visible.


Most New Jersey towns have curfews on Halloween.  Some municipalities will have curfews beginning Wednesday.  Call your municipal hall for details.

Now, here's some Halloween fun facts....

Halloween is the second highest grossing commercial holiday after Christmas.

Ireland is believed to be the birthplace of Halloween.

Fifty per cent of kids prefer chocolate candy for Halloween.  Twenty four per cent like non-chocolate candy and ten per cent prefer gum.

Black and orange are the traditional Halloween colors.  Orange is a symbol of strength and endurance.  Black is a reminder that Halloween, long long ago, was once a festival that marked the boundaries between life and death.

46. 3 per cent of us will carve a pumpkin.

11.5 per cent of Americans will dress up their pets.


The largest pumpkin on record weighed in at 836 pounds!  It was grown by Norm Craven in 1993.

Have a happy and safe Halloween!


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