Here’s what’s coming up on New Jersey’s only all live /all local/ all night show…with me, just a guy with a microphone, a transmitter; and an internet connection.

Spreading the gospel of the Garden State to you all over the world at…under the spreading umbrella of the big FM stick at 101.5, and with you at 1 800 283 101.5, Face Book and Twitter.

1) We’ll do a wrap up of the presidential debate and ask if there’s anything you would have asked either of the candidates

2) A Petition is going around inspired by Old Bridge shooting seeks to include social media in background checks. Could you support a law that would require employers to ask prospective employees to give the social media information?

3) The plight of the Longstreet Farm animals…should they be saved or sold off to slaughter?

4) A Cleveland bus driver punches a female passenger in a graphic video gone viral. Is it ever ok to hit a woman?

5) How much sleep do you get on a daily basis…now they say that too little sleep can make you fat…along with making you crazy? (Case in point!)

6) Have you ever been fired from a gig and done something to retaliate? One guy from Jersey City was arrested for punching his boss in the face after getting fired.

7) Have you ever had an encounter with a black bear and do you feel a Hackettstown man should have been charged with a crime for killing young bear with bow and arrow that he says was trying to attack his dog and a friend?

9) Are you in favor of random drug testing in high school? The school board in Hillsborough is about to decide the fate of their drug testing program in the wake of losing federal dollars to run it.

Plus other stuff as it comes up, only on New Jersey’s only all-live, all-local, all night show, conmigo, Ray “el rey de la noche!”
And remember, should you wish to remain anonymous, just use the code word, “schmegheghee!”

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