el rey de la noche!
el rey de la noche!

Here’s what’s coming up at 11 on New Jersey’s only all live /all local/ all night show…with me, just a guy with a microphone, a transmitter; and an internet connection.

Spreading the gospel of the Garden State to you all over the world at NJ1015.com…on your FM at 101.5, and with you at 1 800 283 101.5, Face Book and Twitter.

3) Do you go along with the bill in N.J. Senate that would force stores to charge between 5 to 15 cents for each plastic or paper bag distributed…
4) Do you feel it was unsportsmanlike for one Indiana high school girls basketball team to beat its opponent 107-2? The winning coach says they weren’t running up the score!

5) Do you feel that a male only Nativity a scene is sacrilegious? Gay couple in Colombia is under fire for male only nativity scene that they posted on Facebook.

6) If you graduated college this past year…are you like many Princeton University students from the class of 2012 stressed out by job market and still looking for work in your chosen field?

Plus other stuff as it comes up, only on New Jersey’s only all-live, all-local, all night show, conmigo, Ray “el rey de la noche!”

And remember, should you wish to remain anonymous, just use the code word, “schmegheghee!”

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