Here’s what’s coming up on New Jersey’s only all live /all local/ all night show…with me, just a guy with a microphone, a transmitter; and an internet connection.
Spreading the gospel of the Garden State to you all over the world at…on your FM at 101.5, and with you at 1 800 283 101.5, Face Book and Twitter.

4) Where is the weirdest place you seen couples having sex? And do you find public sex a turn on or a turn off?

6) How much sleep do you get on a daily basis…now they say that too little sleep can make you fat…along with making you crazy?

8)Have you ever been fired from a gig and done something to retaliate? One guy from Jersey City was arrested for punching his boss in the face after getting fired.

9 Have you ever had an encounter with a black bear and do you feel a Hackettstown man should have been charged with a crime for killing young bear with bow and arrow that he says was trying to attack his dog and a friend?

Plus other stuff as it comes up, only on New Jersey’s only all-live, all-local, all night show, conmigo, Ray “el rey de la noche!”

And remember, should you wish to remain anonymous, just use the code word, “schmegheghee!”

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